jueves, 10 de julio de 2014

Make a quick Ruby app

I'm starting to develop on Ruby, so the best way to undertand something is try to explain 

The Application: A Text Analyzer

Requirements, Basic features:

Character count
Characters count (excluding spaces)
Line count
Word count
Sentence count
Paragraph count
Average number of words per sentence
Average number of sentence per paragraph

Building the basic application:

When starting to develop a new program it’s useful to think of the key steps  involved.

In the  past it was common to draw flow charts to show how the operation of a computer program would flow, but it's easy to experiment, change things about, and remain agile with modern tools such as Ruby. Let's outline the basic steps as follows:

1.-Load in a file containing the text or document you want to analyze
2.-As you load the file line by line, keep a count of how many lines were (one of your static taken care of)
3.-Put the text into a string and take the measure the length to get your character count.
4.- Temporarily remove all whitespace and measure the length of the resulting string to get the characters count excluding the whitespace
5.-Split out the whitespace to find how many words there
6.-Split on full stops to find out how many sentence there are
7.-Split on double newlines to find out how many paragraphs there are
8.-Perform calculations to work the avarenges

Step 1
Obtaining some Dummy text
We can find the text at http://rubyinside.com/book/oliver.txt

Step 2
Load the text files and counting lines


#analyzer.rb first approximation

#Starts in zero
Count = 0
#load the file line by line
File.open("oliver.txt").each { |line| line_count += 1 } 
#Prints the count of the lines
Puts line_count


Then we look for a way to read the text, so we have to alternatives

File.open vs File.readlines, in the first aprox. I'm going to use File.open and read all the lines, at the end of the tuturial I'm going to change to File.readlines, readlines method has already the functions to count the lines


#analyzer.rb second approximation
#Adding a variable to collect the lines together as one as we go

Text = ' '
Count = 0
File.open("oliver.txt").each do |line|
Lines_count += 1
Text << line

Puts "#{line_count} lines"


Remembering that using {and} to surrond blocks is the standard
style for single-line blocks, using "do" and "end" is preferred for
multiple blocks.


#analyzer.rb third approximation
#Text is a string, we can use the length method that all strings
#supply to get the exact of the file, and therefore the number of
#chacrters, and then in other variable exclude the spaces

Text = ' '
Count = 0
File.open("oliver.txt").each do |line|
Lines_count += 1
Text << line
Total_characters = text.length
#using gsub to eradicate the spaces from your text string in the
#same way, and then use the length of the newly "de-spacfied"
Total_characters_nospaces = text.gsub(/\s+/, '').lenght
Puts "#{line_count} lines"
Puts "#{total_characters_nospace] characters excluding spaces"
Puts "#{total_characters} Total characters"


Counting Words
1.- count the number of groups of contiguous letters using scan
2.- Split the text on whitespace and count the resulting fragments using split and size

To get the number of words in the string, I can use the length or size array methods to count the number of elements rather than join them together:


Puts "this is a test".scan(/\w+/).length

->> 4


The split approach demostrates a core tenet of Ruby (as well as some other languages, particulary Perl): ther's more than one way to do it! Analyzing different methods to solve the same problem is a crucial part of becoming a good programmer, as different methods can vary in their efficacy.


Puts "this is a test".split.length

->> 4



#analyzer.rb fourth approximation
#Counting words

Text = ' '
Count = 0
File.open("oliver.txt").each do |line|
Lines_count += 1
Text << line
Word_count = text.split.length
Total_characters = text.length
Total_characters_nospaces = text.gsub(/\s+/, '').lenght

Puts "#{line_count} lines"
Puts "#{total_characters_nospace] characters excluding spaces"
Puts "#{total_characters} Total characters"
Puts "#{word_count} words"



Rather than splitting on whitespace, sentence and paragraphs have different split criteria.
Sentences end with full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks. They can also be separated with dashes and other punctuation.


#for end regular expressions
Sentence_count = text.split(/\.|\?|\!/).length

#For double space
Puts text.split(/\n\n/).length



#analyzer.rb fiveth approximation
#Counting paragraphs and sentences

Text = ' '
Count = 0
File.open("oliver.txt").each do |line|
Lines_count += 1
Text << line
Word_count = text.split.length
Total_characters = text.length
Total_characters_nospaces = text.gsub(/\s+/, '').lenght
Sentence_count = text.split(/\.|\?|!/).length
Paragraph_count = text.split(/\n\n/).length

Puts "#{line_count} lines"
Puts "#{total_characters_nospace] characters excluding spaces"
Puts "#{total_characters} Total characters"
Puts "#{word_count} words"
Puts "#{sentence_cunt} sentences"
Puts "#{paragraph_count}  paragraphs"


Calculating avarages


#analyzer.rb sixth approximation
#Counting avarages

Text = ' '
Count = 0
File.open("oliver.txt").each do |line|
Lines_count += 1
Text << line
Word_count = text.split.length
Total_characters = text.length
Total_characters_nospaces = text.gsub(/\s+/, '').lenght

Puts "#{line_count} lines"
Puts "#{total_characters_nospace] characters excluding spaces"
Puts "#{total_characters} Total characters"
Puts "#{word_count} words"
Puts "#{sentence_count / paragraph_count} sentences per paragrapg (avarage)"
Puts "#{word_count / sentence_count } words per sentences (avarage)"


The code:



#Open file and read it
lines = File.readlines("oliver.txt")
line_count = lines.size
text = lines.join

word_count = text.split.length
total_characters = text.length
total_characters_nospaces = text.gsub(/\s+/, '').lenght

puts "#{line_count} lines"
puts "#{total_characters_nospace] characters excluding spaces"
puts "#{total_characters} Total characters"
puts "#{word_count} words"
puts "#{sentence_count / paragraph_count} sentences per paragrapg (avarage)"
puts "#{word_count / sentence_count } words per sentences (avarage)"


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